final project in prog


ok so this is mainly going to be writing but basically i'm making a choose your own adventure in videos! it's more like an interactive story, if anything. my audience should be able to make decisions within one video and that will lead to another video to portray what happens. i wanted my audience to have the choice to engage. above is a sketch i made a while ago for the main character.

the general concept is political activism, specifically considering a setting similar to november 2020. the choice to engage is important because of course you can do whatever you want and avoid it, but it'll still be happening in the background regardless. this is the very loose script that's going to be attached to the sketch/illustrations that will be in the video. each bold "section" is going to be a new 5-10 sec video. there should be about 19 videos total.

start: It's just a regular day. Something could be happening, you don't know. What should you do?

  • stay in: You decide to stay in. What could you do inside?
    • facetime: You facetime your friend that you haven't seen in a few months. You guys catch up, talk about what you've been up to, until the conversation turns to current events. The political climate has been really rocky recently, especially regarding how the current president has decided to discuss race and racism. Your friend thinks that it's a waste of time to even talk about this. It's not like racism exists anymore anyway.
      • say something: You tell them that it's not true. Racism is prevalent even today, even if it's not in the same format as it was 50 years ago. They get mad at you for trying to correct them and hang up. It's fine. You can't change anyone's mind within one conversation, but maybe it's better that you ended up talking about it. There's a reason why you haven't seen them in a while.
      • say nothing: You decide to keep your mouth shut. It's not up to you to decide how they feel about it. There's a reason why you haven't seen them in a while.
    • stare into the abyss: You stare into the abyss.
  • go out: It's a nice day outside and you're glad that you decided to go out. Where should you go?
    • the park: You go to the park. You see people walking their dogs, going on jogs, and having picnics on the grass. There's a booth set up on the side of the walkway. You get a little closer and realize there are volunteers to try to get people to sign up to vote.
      • walk past: Talking to those volunteers means you would have to interact with them. Do you want to get into a whole conversation where they attempt to convince you to vote for a specific candidate? Nah, you're good.
      • walk up to the booth: It is election year, after all. You decide to walk up to the booth and register to vote. The volunteers are trying to discuss their preferred candidate with you and while you appreciate it, it would probably be better to do your own research about each one before making a decision. You're registered to vote now, though!
    • the city: You go into the city and walk down the street. There are two crowds forming and buzzing. You look one way and find out one crowd is a traveling festival that's only occurring today. When you look the other way, you see signs being raised and people start chanting. It's a protest against racial injustice.
      • festival: The buzz of the festival drown out any interest you have in the protest. You go to the festival and enter a tent. You find out it's a clown party. You see a super cool-looking clown. What do you do?
        • scream at the clown: You scream at the clown. The clown screams back. You pass out.
        • high-five the clown: You high five the clown. He likes your moves, funky guy! He challenges you to a friendly dance battle. What dance move do you do?
          • the stanky leg: You do the stanky leg. It was too stinky. People move away, leaving you alone in the tent.
          • the worm: A crowd starts to form around you as you unleash your wormly power. The clown you're battling against can't help but stop and admire your excellent form. You win the dance battle!
      • protest: The chants of the protest drown out any interest you have in the festival. You don't have a sign or anything, but you have your body, and you figure that's enough. Where do you want to go?
        • walk with the crowd: You decide to walk with the crowd. You chant alongside the people you're surrounded by. "No justice, no peace." You chant until your voice runs out.
        • go to the front lines: You walk and chant alongside the crowd until you get into the front lines. There's a hostile feeling as you approach. The police force is all in a line, staring you and the people around you down. You can't help but stare at the weapons they hold, ready to be used. You chant over and over again until your voice runs out. You can't help but be worried about what may occur if either side decides to make a move.


  1. Really cool idea, I love the concept "choose your own story/adventure", reminds me of a lot of games and interactive videos/shows like Black Mirror's Bandersnatch. Are you going to have each video link to the next one that you choose? Where when you click it you will be taken to the next video? Because holy cow that will be awesome. I would make sure to not bite off more than you can chew though, because as big of an idea as this is you wan't to make sure it is executed well. Can't wait to see the final product!


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